Your Partner in Expert Handbell Refurbishment And Repair
Performing Maintenance and Installing Bells and Chimes
Focused on Handling Your Handbell Refurbishment Needs
Hi! My name is Dr. Gregg A. Porter, and I have been refurbishing handbells and chimes for more than 30 years. As the owner of The Handbell Doctor in Olympia Fields, Illinois, I am committed to performing repairs, maintenance, and cleaning based on your specifications. You can count on me to deliver impressive results as I have extensive experience. I can also go to your location to maintain and install your handbells and chimes immediately.

Excellent Customer Service
I travel to every state except Alaska to refurbish handbells, which are mostly in churches and schools. As this was severely affected with COVID-19, the churches and schools are starting to open up again. Now, I feel comfortable traveling again since I have had the Moderna shots and the booster.

Schedule an Appointment
Get in touch with me directly to request a service. I travel nationwide to perform repairs, maintenance, and cleaning. If you have any questions, you may send me a message. I am more than happy to assist you.